Collaborative Projects

Collaboration with the Singapore Universities Sector

An important part of our research is to work with internationally recognised scientists in the Singapore universities sector. This enables expertise from across Singapore to help in developing understanding of weather and climate processes in the region and to eventually enhance the national weather and climate prediction capabilities.

The UK Met Office

CCRS has an MoU agreement with the Met Office for the development modelling capabilities in the Centre. A number of smaller collaborative projects have also been undertaken. The development of the climate scenarios in Singapore’s Second National Climate Change Study was also carried out in collaboration with the Met Office. In 2018, CCRS became a partner in the Unified Model Partnership Program. We collaborate with the scientists in the Partnership at various levels towards collective improvement of convective-scale modelling.


During 2014, the second SEACAM project (South East Asian Climate Analysis and Modelling, funded by the MSS) carried out a regional climate projection study.  Participants were members from South East Asia National Meteorological Centres and the UK Met Office.  A paper on projections of extreme rainfall events is being prepared for publication.  This followed an earlier study involving ASEAN scientists on the observed and modelled temperature and precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia.

Regional Climate Outlook Forum (ASEANCOF)

CCRS has worked with other countries in the region and with WMO to establish a Regional Climate Outlook Forum (RCOF) for Southeast Asia. These meetings involve participants from WMO, ASEAN countries, experts form the major global modelling centres and regional end-users. The first ASEANCOF (Association of South-East Asian Nations Climate Outlook Forum) meeting took place in December 2013 and meetings are held each year ahead of the boreal winter and summer monsoon seasons.

The Year of the Maritime Continent

Years of Maritime Continent (YMC) is a multi-year field campaign using research aircrafts, research ships, increased satellite, upper air and surface observations. It is an international collaboration involving countries like the USA, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Australia as well as countries in the region, including Indonesia and Singapore. YMC is expected to greatly advance our understanding and modelling capabilities of maritime continent weather systems. Our contributions to YMC are primarily convective-scale modelling and data support. Go here for more details.