

Latest Publications

MSS Research Letters

A collection of research letters on topics of interest to the Centre for Climate Research Singapore and Meteorological Service Singapore.

Issue 6, Mar 2021

Issue 5, Jul 2020

Issue 4, Dec 2019

Issue 3, Jul 2019

Issue 2, Dec 2018

Issue 1, May 2018

CCRS Newsletters

Published quarterly, the CCRS Newsletter highlights CCRS’ latest news, activities and progress. The Newsletter also shares latest climate/weather science developments that are relevant to CCRS’ mission.

Issue 7, Dec 2024

Issue 6, Oct 2023

Issue 5, Jul 2023

Issue 4, Apr 2023

Issue 3, Jan 2023

Issue 2, Oct 2022

Issue 1, Jul 2022

SINGV Data Assimilation System: Development and Operational Implementation.

Heng BCP, Tubbs R, Huang X-Y, Macpherson B, Barker DM, Boyd DFA, Kelly G, North R, Stewart L, Webster S, Wlasak, M. 2020.

Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 146, 1923-1938., doi:10.1002/qj.3774.

Haze in Singapore – source attribution of biomass burning PM10 from Southeast Asia.

Hansen, A.B., Witham, C.S., Chong, W.M., Kendall, E., Chew, B.N., Gan, C., Hort, M.C. and Lee, S.Y., 2019.

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19(8), 5363-5385.

Advancing Research for Seamless Earth System Prediction.

Ruti, P., Tarasova, O., Keller, J., Carmichael, G., Hov, Ø., Jones, S., Terblanche, D., Anderson-Lefale, C., Barros, A., Bauer, P., Bouchet, V., Brasseur, G., Brunet, G., DeCola, P., Dike, V., Kane, M.D., Gan, C., Gurney, K., Hamburg, S., Hazeleger, W., Jean, M., Johnston, D., Lewis, A., Li, P., Liang, X., Lucarini, V., Lynch, A., Manaenkova, E., Jae-Cheol, N., Ohtake, S., Pinardi, N., Polcher, J., Ritchie, E., Sakya, A.E., Saulo, C., Singhee, A., Sopaheluwakan, A., Steiner, A., Thorpe, A. and Yamaji, M., 2020.

Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101 (1): E23–E35.

The WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS): Concept, Current Capabilities, Research and Development Challenges and the Way Ahead.

Baklanov, A., Chew, B.N., Frassoni, A., Gan, C., Goldammer, J.G., Keywood, M., Mangeon, S., Manseau, P.M., Pavlovic, R., 2020.

BioBrasil, submitted.

SINGV: A convective‐scale weather forecast model for Singapore.

Dipankar, A, Webster, S, Sun, X, et al. 2020.

Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 1 – 16.

Background error statistics in the tropics: Structures and impact in a convective-scale numerical weather prediction system.

Lee JCK, Huang X-Y. 2020.

Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 146, 2154–2173. doi:10.1002/qj.3785

A subjective and objective evaluation of NWP forecasts of Sumatra Squall events.

Sun, X., Huang, X.-Y., Gordon, C., Mittermaier, M., Becket, B., Cheong, W.K., Barker, D.M., North, R. and Semple, A. 2020.

Weather and Forecasting. doi:10.1175/WAF-D-19-0187.1.

Impact of different sea surface roughness on surface gravity waves using a coupled atmosphere–wave model: a case of Hurricane Isaac (2012).

Rajesh Kumar, R., Sandeepan B. S., and Holland, D.M. 2020.

Ocean Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s10236-019-01327-6.

Application of MORUSES single layer urban canopy model in a tropical city: results from Singapore.

Simon-Moral, A., Dipankar, A., Roth, M., Sanchez, C., Velasco, E., Huang, X.-Y. 2019.

Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1002/qj.3694.

SINGV – the convective-scale numerical weather prediction system for Singapore.

Huang, X.-Y., Barker, D., Webster, S., Dipankar, A., Lock, A., Mittermaier, M., Sun, X.M., North, R., Darvell, R., Boyd, D., Lo, J., Liu, J.Y., Macpherson, B., Heng, P., Maycock, A., Pitcher, L., Tubbs, B., McMillan, M., Zhang, S.J., Hagelin, S., Porson, A., Song, G.T., Beckett, B., Cheong, W.K., Semple, A., and Gordon, C., 2019.

ASEAN Journal on Science & Technology for Development, 36(3), 81-90, doi:10.29037/ajstd.581.

Observed rainfall trends over Singapore and the Maritime Continent from the perspective of regional-scale weather regimes.

Hassim, M. E. and Timbal B. 2019.

J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 365–384, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0136.1.

Understanding biases in simulating the diurnal cycle of convection over western coast of Sumatra: comparison with pre-YMC observation campaign

Dipankar, A., Webster, S., Huang, X.-Y., Doan, Q.V. 2019.

Monthly Weather Review, 147, 1615-1631, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0432.1.

Heavy rain.

Timbal, B., Turkington, T., Hassim, M. E. and Gao, E. 2018.

ENVISION, 14:29-31.

Temperatures rising.

Timbal, B., Turkington, T. and Hassim, M. E. 2018.

ENVISION, 15:54-57.

Development of a machine-learning Nowcasting system at the Meteorological Service Singapore

Sun, X., Becker, E., Zhang, S., Huang, X.-Y., Doan, Q.V. 2018.

MSS Research Letters, 2, 33-40.

A high-resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled model for the Western Maritime Continent: development and preliminary assessment

Thompson, B., Sanchez, C., Sun, X., Song, G., Liu, J., Huang, X.-Y., Tkalich, P. 2018.

Clim. Dyn., Volume 52, Issue 7-8, 3951-3981, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4367-0.

Observed and modelled temperature and precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia from 1972 – 2010

Cheong W. K., B. Timbal, N. Golding, S. Sirabaha, K. F. Kwan, T. A. Cinco, B. Archevarahuprok, V. H. Vo, D. Gunawan and S. Han. 2018

Int. J. of Climatol., 10.1002/joc.5479.

Potential vorticity perspective of vortex structure changes of Tropical Cyclone Bilis (2006) during a heavy rain event following landfall

Difei Deng, Noel E. Davidson, Liang Hu, Kevin J. Tory, Mai C. N. Hankinson, Shouting Gao. 2017.

Monthly Weather Review, 145(5), 1875-1895, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0276.1

The general features of tropical Sumatra squalls

J-C.F. Lo and T. Orton. 2016.

Royal Meteorological Society, doi:10.1002/wea.2748

Generating climate change rainfall scenarios for Singapore: A tale of scale.

Hassim, M. E., R. Rahmat, R. K. Lestari and B. Timbal. 2016.

COSMOS, 12(1), 8-13, doi:

Impacts of boreal winter monsoon cold surges and the interaction with MJO on Southeast Asia rainfall

S. Lim, C. Marzin, P. Xavier, C. Chang , B. Timbal. 2017.

J. Climate, 2017, 30(11), 4267-4281, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0546.1

Scale interactions between the MJO and the western Maritime Continent

Cathryn Birch, Stuart Webster, Simon Peatman, Douglas Parker, Adrian Matthews, Yue Li and Muhammad E. E. Hassim. 2016.

J. Climate, 29, 2471-2492

The 2014 record dry spell at Singapore: An Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) drought

John L. Mcbride, Sandeep Sahany, Muhammad E. E. Hassim, Chi Mai Nguyen, See Yee Lim, Raizan Rahmat, and Wee Kiong Cheong. 2015.

Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, S126–S130

Singapore’s Second National Climate Change Study – Climate projections to 2100
Science report


Singapore’s Second National Climate Change Study – Climate projections to 2100
Report for stakeholders



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Influence of Madden-Julian Oscillation on Southeast Asia rainfall extremes: Observations and predictability

Prince Xavier, Raizan Rahmat, Wee Kiong Cheong and Emily Wallace. 2014.

Geophysical Research Letters


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A regional climate modelling experiment for Southeast Asia

Rahmat R. (report coordinator), Archevarahuprok B., Chai P. K., Chung J. X., Hein D., Gunawan D., Buonomo E., Redmond G., Sirabaha S., Swe S., Dash I., Lim S. Y., Rizal J., Sitthichivapak K., Subramaniam K., Dagar L., Liew J. N., Ling L. K., Ho L., M. Van Khiem, Palmer M., M. So Im, Ahmad Mazuki M. Y., Ngai S. T., Ngo-Duc T., Saiful A. Husain, Shahid S., Tucker S., Srivatsan V., Chinvanno S., Cinco T. A., Thuy T.T., Hoa V. V., and Soe W. 2014.


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