Mission & Vision

Centre for Climate Research Singapore

CCRS building_cropped

The Centre for Climate Research Singapore is a research centre and part of the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS). It was officially launched in March 2013.

Our Mission

To advance scientific understanding of tropical climate variability and change and its associated weather systems affecting Singapore and the wider Southeast Asia Region, so that the knowledge and expertise can benefit decision makers and the community.

Our Vision

To be a world leading centre in tropical climate and weather research focusing on the Southeast Asia region.

Our Logo


The CCRS logo is adapted from the MSS logo, which was launched in 2013 by then Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan. The globe in the logo depicts the borderless and expansive nature of the weather affecting every part of the Earth. The sinuous patterns represent the atmospheric circulations and waves which encircle the planet and which are a driving force for the weather and climate.The blue and green hues represent the earth’s oceans, atmosphere and natural environment, and symbolise MSS’ focus on weather, climate, and environmental hazards. The design motif of the text underscores MSS’ professional, forward-looking nature as the national authority on weather and climate.