Dr Rachel KOH

Research Scientist
Department of Weather Research
Numerical Weather Prediction Branch


Dr Rachel Koh

Dr Rachel Koh’s work focuses on developing SINGV-EPS, the convective-scale ensemble numerical weather prediction system at CCRS. She works closely with stakeholders and collaborators to communicate uncertainties in the weather forecast. Prior to this, her work spanned various domains, encompassing the effects of climate on hydrology, water resources management, and operations of hydropower-dominated power systems.


    • 2018–2023
    • PhD, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
    • 2015–2017
    • M.Eng, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
    • 2011–2015
    • B.Eng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Working Experience

    • 2023-present
    • Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
    • 2017–2018
    • Research Engineer, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Research Interests

  • Hydrometeorology
  • Water resources management
  • Water-energy nexus

Dr Koh’s full publication record can be accessed here.