Workshop on Sea-Level Rise and Extremes


Talk on “Storm surges at Sunda Shelf, the past and 21st century projections”
By Dr Pavel Tkalich and Dr Quang-Hung Luu, Tropical Marine Science Institute, NUS
Talk on “Sea-level rise and coastal impacts research in the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research”
By Dr Kathleen McInnes, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia
Talk on “Sea level rise and variability around the Peninsular Malaysia”
By Dr Pavel Tkalich and Quang-Hung Luu, Tropical Marine Science Institute, NUS
Talk on “Sea level research at Met Office Hadley Centre: current work and future plans”
By Dr Matt Palmer, Met Office Hadley Centre, United Kingdom
Talk on “Sea level science at the National Oceanography Centre: Current work and future projects”
By Dr Lucy Bricheno, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Talk on “Climate Projections for Regional Seas”
By Dr Jonathan Tinker, Met Office Hadley Centre, United Kingdom
Dialogue session


For the presentations, please download abstracts here.