Launch of the Climate Science Research Programme Office

As a low-lying city-state situated in the tropics, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to the effects of a changing climate. Today, climate change has led to increased instances of extreme weather, rising sea levels, threatened food and water supplies, negative impact on human health and disruption of economies. It is thus imperative that Singapore’s national adaptation needs are supported by robust climate science research. The Climate Science Research Programme Office (CSRPO) under Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS) is set up for this purpose.


Launched on 5 November 2020, the CSRPO will play a key role in Singapore’s response to the potential impact of climate change by leading and driving efforts under a new National Climate Science Research Masterplan, which aligns fundamental climate science research with national goals for climate adaptation and mitigation. The CSRPO will also oversee, coordinate and support collaborative climate science research between scientists within the CCRS and researchers from local Research Institutes and Institutes of Higher Learning. This aims at strengthening local research capabilities in key climate impact science areas that are critical for Singapore. Key climate impact science areas identified include sea level rise, water resources and flood management, biodiversity, food security, warming trends on human health, and the energy sector.

In conjunction with the launch of the CSRPO, a list of awardees under its flagship National Sea Level Programme (NSLP), was also announced on 5 November 2020. The first grant call to local Research Institutes and Institutes of Higher Learning was for proposals on understanding the processes of sea level rise and variability, with a focus on Singapore and the region. The CSRPO received an overwhelming response of 18 proposals.

Two projects aimed at better understanding past and future processes contributing to sea level rise in Singapore were awarded to the Earth Observatory Singapore (EOS), which is a part of the National Technological University (NTU). The research outcomes will lead to better informed decision-making based on science, for a more climate-resilient Singapore.