Mr LIU Jianyu (Jerry)
IT System Analyst
High Performance Computing Branch
- jerry_liu@nea.gov.sg
Mr LIU Jianyu (Jerry)
Mr Liu Jianyu has 18 years of diverse experience in research, field operations and computer analysis in the meteorological science and technologies. He is presently working on a collaboration project with UK Met Office. His research can be categorised into (1) ensuring efficient use of the CCRS high performance computing system; (2) implementing and maintaining robust operation systems; and (3) working with the research scientists to maintain their high performance and productivity by providing support and advice in weather science IT matters.
- 1993-1997
- BSc in Atmospheric Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Working Experience
- 2015-present
- IT System Analyst, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
- 2013-2015
- Senior Software Engineer, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, CAS, China
- 2010-2013
- Research Scholar, National Centre for Atmospheric Research, MMM, USA
- 2001-2010
- Senior Software Engineer, Yunnan Institute of Meteorology, China
- 1997-2001
- Forecaster, Yunnan Meteorological Observatory, China
Research Interests
- Operational application research and development in meteorology
- Technical support for high performance computing application in meteorology
- Operational management for HPC centres for education and research
- Development and maintenance of the mesoscale numerical weather prediction system
Huang, X.-Y., Barker, D., Webster, S., Dipankar, A., Lock, A., Mittermaier, M., Sun, X.M., North, R., Darvell, R., Boyd, D., Lo, J., Liu, J.Y., Macpherson, B., Heng, P., Maycock, A., Pitcher, L., Tubbs, B., McMillan, M., Zhang, S.J., Hagelin, S., Porson, A., Song, G.T., Beckett, B., Cheong, W.K., Semple, A., and Gordon, C., 2019.
SINGV – the convective-scale numerical weather prediction system for Singapore.
ASEAN Journal on Science & Technology for Development, 36(3), 81-90, doi:10.29037/ajstd.581.
Wang, H., Huang, X.-Y., Liu, J., Xu, D. 2014.
A scale-dependent blending scheme for WRFDA: Impact on regional weather forecasting.
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1819-1828. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1819-2014.
Zhang, X., Huang, X.-Y., Liu, J.,Poterjoy, J., Weng, Y., Zhang, F., Wang, H. 2014.
Development of an efficient regional four-dimensional variational data assimilation system for WRF.
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 2777-2794, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00076.1.
Haginoya S., Fujii, H., Sun J., Liu J. 2012.
Features of air-lake interaction in heat and water exchanges over Erhai Lake.
J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 90C, 55-73. doi:10.2151/JMSJ.2012-C04.
Wang, L., Koike, T., Wang, M., Liu, J., Sun, J., Lu, H., Tsutsui, H., Tamagawa, K., Xu, X. 2012.
Use of integrated observations to improve the 0-36h stream flow forecasts: A case study in the Nanpan River Basin (Yunnan province, China) on 1 July 2008.
J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 90C, 131-144.
Sun, J., Baker, B., Bachelet, D., Daly, C., Ma, J., Liu, J. 2006.
Impact of climate change in the Hengduan Mountains of northwestern Yunnan, P.R. China: vegetation distribution change in the foretime and future.
Proc. Spie 6296, Earth Observing Systems XI, 62960X (September 08, 2006); doi:10.1117/12.678964.