Dr Pratiman PATEL
Research Scientist
Department of Weather Research
Numerical Weather Prediction Branch
- patel_pratiman@nea.gov.sg
Dr Pratiman PATEL
Dr Pratiman Patel’s current work focuses on the verification of numerical weather prediction forecasts. His earlier research work was to investigate the influence of urban surface representation on extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, heatwaves and tropical cyclones. He is also interested in the development of urban datasets that can be used to improve urban scale weather and climate simulations
- 2015-2021
- Doctor of Philosophy, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
- 2013-2015
- Master of Technology (Remote Sensing & GIS), Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Dehradun, India
- 2009-2013
- Bachelor of Technology (Agricultural Engineering), College of Agricultural Engineering Jabalpur, India
Working Experience
- 2024-present
- Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
- 2021–2023
- Postdoctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Research Interests
- Numerical weather prediction
- Verification
- Urban climate
- Land surface feedback
Dr Patel’s full publication record can be accessed here.