Weather Prediction by Numerical Methods Module 1 (WPNM-M1)

The ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) conducted the Weather Prediction by Numerical Methods Module 1 (WPNM-M1) in Singapore from 18th to 22nd November 2019, as part of its 5-year Regional Capability Building Programme rolled out in 2018. The 5-day capability building and knowledge sharing training module was attended by 18 participants from 9 ASEAN National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) and was delivered by lecturers from the Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).

The objectives of the training module were to provide participants with a deep understanding of the conceptualisation, formulation and limitations of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models; to equip participants with knowledge on the governing equations used in NWP models; and to equip participants with numerical methods to solve these equations and their associated limitations.

A series of 9 lectures were conducted during the WPNM-M1, covering a wide range of topics ranging from the various approximations used in the governing equations, to various numerical methods commonly used in operational NWP systems and key considerations for operational implementation. Hands-on practical sessions were conducted using simplified models which were coded in-house by CCRS lecturers, to illustrate the concepts highlighted during the lectures and to help bridge theory with practical applications.

Overall, the training module was well-received by the participants. Almost all participants indicated interest to attend future training modules and expressed support for the continuation of the training series. Participants also commended the use of simplified models for pedagogical purposes. Plans were made to prepare a peer-reviewed publication consolidating the current and possible future NWP efforts in ASEAN.

For the full event report, click here.