
Mr CHIA Zhong Yi

Research Scientist
Department of Weather Research
Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Branch


Mr CHIA Zhong Yi

Mr Chia Zhong Yi’s current project focuses on the impact of weather conditions on the performance of solar photovoltaics. His other duties also involve numerical modelling of aerosol dispersion in Southeast Asia. Prior to joining CCRS, he was a master student studying atmospheric and oceanic sciences. His master thesis is about the mutual interactions between extratropical cyclones and deep convection revealed by a series of idealized moist baroclinic wave experiments.


    • 2016-2018
    • MSc in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University, Canada
    • 2007-2011
    • BSc (Hons) in Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Working Experience

    • 2018-present
    • Research Officer, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
    • 2013-2016
    • Research Assistant, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore
    • 2011-2013
    • Research Assistant, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore

Research Interests

  • Paleomonsoon dynamics
  • Extratropical cyclogenesis with deep convection
  • Solar energy forecasting
  • Dispersion of aerosols in Southeast Asia