Climate Projections

The purpose of our climate projections work is to develop understanding of the changing climate in the region and to generate climate scenarios to support Singapore’s national resilience planning.

National Climate Change Study

The Second National Climate Change Study (V2) was completed in 2015. The results and model output data of V2 had been utilised by public agencies for their downstream climate impact studies. The Third National Climate Change Study (V3) was carried out by scientists from the Climate Projections and Extremes (CPE) Branch of CCRS to build the next generation of climate projections for a climate-resilient Singapore. V3 results were unveiled on 5 Jan 2024 at the Symposium on V3. More information on V3 and its findings can be found on the V3 Data Visualisation Portal.

Understanding and Detecting Trends in Singapore and Surrounding Region’s Weather and Climate

Climate change projection research includes the detection of trends in meteorological variables and ascertaining whether they can be attributed to climate change. This is as distinct from other causes such as inter-annual and inter-decadal variability and urbanisation effects. This is known as “Detection and Attribution” of climate change. Several process based studies on this topic are being undertaken. The figure below shows the temperature trace at the Singapore climate station since temperature records began. The different sections are for the different locations of the climate station. Understanding the trends that are due to urbanisation, global climate change, changing frequency of El Niño events and due to other influences is a topic of future research.


Figure: Time series of annual temperature at the Singapore Climate Station