3rd Meeting of the Climate Science Experts Network


Opening Address
By Dr Chris Gordon, Director, Centre for Climate Research Singapore
Keynote Lecture: “Challenges in Making Projections of Future Climate Change”
By Prof Matthew Collins, University of Exeter, UK and IPCC AR5 CLA
Presentation 1: “Evaluation of CMIP5 Models for Southeast Asia”
By Mr Raizan Rahmat, Centre for Climate Research Singapore
Presentation 2: “Evaluation of Regional Climate Downscaling over the Maritime Continent”
By Assoc Prof Koh Tieh Yong, National Technological University
Presentation 3: “Rainfall Extremes in Southeast Asia and Singapore”
By Mr Cheong Wee Kiong, Centre for Climate Research Singapore
Presentation 4: “Simulation and Prediction of the MJO – Where are we?”
By Dr Prince Xavier, UK Met Office and Centre for Climate Research Singapore


Keynote Lecture: Challenges in Making Projections of Future Climate Change

Projections of climate change made with climate models are uncertain because of unknown future emissions of greenhouse gases, because of errors and uncertainties in models and because of natural variability. This talk will describe techniques for dealing with uncertainties in projections. There will be a particular focus on the findings of Chapter 12 of the 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5), Working Group 1 – Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and Irreversibility. The key findings of the chapter will be highlighted, including a description of how those findings were made.

Please download abstracts here.

About the Keynote Lecturer

Prof Matthew Collins is Joint Met Office Chair in Climate Change in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. His research interests are in climate modelling, quantifying uncertainty and probabilistic climate prediction and in understanding climate variability and change. He was a Coordinating Lead Author on the recent 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group 1.


group photo

Participants at the 3rd Meeting of the Climate Science Experts Network

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