High Performance Computing


The high performance computing (HPC) system in MSS/CCRS is a HPE Cray EX system, named Utama. The system is housed in CCRS and used for both research and daily operational activities. It comprises:

  1. 98 compute nodes, each with 2x AMD Milan 7713 64-core 2.0Ghz CPUs. Each node contains 512GB of RAM (4.0GB per core). The interconnect network is HPE Slingshot 10.
  2. Storage incorporates a Cray ClusterStor E1000 parallel file system, optimised for high performance computing, providing 1.5PB of usable data storage.


Model HPE Cray EX
Peak Performance 401 TFLOPS (Rpeak)
Capacity 12544 cores
RAM 4.0 GB/core
Storage 1.5 PB