Mr Joshua LEE

Mr Joshua LEE

Senior Research Scientist
Department of Weather Research
Numerical Weather Prediction Branch


Mr Joshua LEE

Mr Joshua Lee’s work in CCRS focuses on improving the data assimilation system for SINGV, a convective-scale numerical prediction model for Singapore, as part of a team. Prior to this, he worked on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and its teleconnections, as a potential source of sub-seasonal/seasonal predictability. Aside from his research interest in data assimilation, he is also excited about the possibility of implementing machine learning techniques in weather forecasting.


    • 2017-2018
    • MSc in Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate, University of Reading, United Kingdom
    • 2014-2017
    • BSc in Mathematics and Meteorology, University of Reading, United Kingdom

Working Experience

    • 2018-present
    • Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS

Research Interests

  • Data assimilation
  • Ensemble prediction
  • Sub-seasonal/Seasonal predictions
  • Madden-Julian Oscillation

Mr Lee’s full publication record can be accessed here.