Deputy Principal Research Scientist
Department of Weather Research
Core Modelling Development Branch



Dr Kalli Furtado works on the development of atmosphere and ocean models. His research combines modelling, observations and theory to improve the representation of physical processes in numerical models, particularly for clouds and precipitation. He is the Branch Head of Core Modelling Development, which is providing the underpinning modeling systems for regional weather and climate predictions at CCRS.

Before joining CCRS, Dr Furtado worked at the Met Office, where he developed parametrizations that improved the operational regional and global configurations of the Unified Model. He led the model-development activities in the Climate Science for Services Partnership (CSSP) China, a flag-ship UK-China research collaboration funded by the Newton Fund, for which he implemented a multi-institutional strategy for improving predictions of the Asian monsoon in UK and Chinese modelling systems.

Dr Furtado worked for two years as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, on the evaluation and improvement of forecasts of extreme rainfall. He continues to work closely with IAP and the Chinese Meteorological Agency on a range of topics, and also collaborates with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and University of Tasmania, particularly on the role of clouds and aerosols in the climate of the Southern Ocean.


    • 2003–2007
    • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oxford, UK
    • 1999–2003
    • Master of Physics, University of Warwick, UK

Working Experience

    • 2023-present
    • Branch Head / Deputy Principal Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
    • 2020–2023
    • Expert Scientist, Met Office, UK
    • 2014–2020
    • Senior Scientist, Met Office, UK
    • 2010–2014
    • Scientist, Met Office, UK
    • 2008–2010
    • Scientist, Institute for Energy Technology, Norway

Research Interests

  • Numerical weather prediction
  • Climate variability and change
  • Monsoons
  • Cloud physics

Dr Furtado’s full publication record can be accessed here.