Deputy Principal Research Scientist
Department of Climate Research
Seasonal and Sub-seasonal Prediction Branch



Dr Thea Turkington leads the Seasonal and Subseasonal Prediction Branch at CCRS, with a background in both weather and climate timescales. Her current work includes developing climate services for Singapore and Southeast Asia, particularly at the subseasonal and seasonal timescales, as well as underlying research in understanding the effects and impacts of relevant climate processes.


    • 2011-2016
    • PhD in Climate Change and Natural Hazards, University of Twente, Netherlands
    • 2010-2011
    • MSc in Climate Change, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
    • 2008
    • PG Certificate in Meteorology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
    • 2002-2006
    • BSc in Physics and Earth Science, University of Victoria, Canada

Working Experience

    • 2016-present
    • Research Scientist/ Senior Research Scientist/ Deputy Principal Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
    • 2008-2010
    • Meteorologist, MetService, New Zealand
    • 2006-2007
    • Data Analyst, ADS Environmental Services, New Zealand

Research Interests

  • Sub-seasonal/seasonal predictions
  • Tropical weather and climate processes
  • Rainfall extremes

Timbal, B., Turkington, T., Hassim, M. E. and Gao, E., 2018:

Heavy rain.

ENVISION, 14:29-31.

Timbal, B., Turkington, T. and Hassim, M. E., 2018:

Temperatures rising.

ENVISION, 15:54-57.

T. Turkington, K. Breinl, J. Ettema, and V. Jetten, 2016:

A new flood type classification method for use in climate change impact studies.

Weather and Climate Extremes, In Press, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2016.10.001.

V. Bharti, C. Singh, J. Ettema, and T. Turkington, 2016:

Spatiotemporal characteristics of extreme rainfall events over the northwest Himalaya using satellite data.

Int. J. Climatol., 36: 3949–3962, doi:10.1002/joc.4605.

J. Wood, S. Harrison, T. Turkington, and L. Reinhardt, 2016:

Landslides and synoptic weather trends in the European Alps.

Climatic Change, 136: 297, doi:10.1007/s10584-016-1623-3.

T. Turkington, J. Ettema, C. van Westen, and K. Breinl, 2014:

Empirical atmospheric thresholds for debris flows and flash floods in the Southern French Alps.

Nat Hazard Earth Syst Sci, 14:1517-1530, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-1517-2014.

K. Breinl, T. Turkington, M. Stowasser, 2014:

Simulating daily precipitation and temperature: a weather generation framework for assessing hydrometeorological hazards.

Met Apps, 22:334–347, doi:10.1002/met.1459.

Dr Turkington’s full publication record can be accessed here.