Mr TAN Wee Leng

Mr TAN Wee Leng

Senior Research Scientist
Department of Climate Research
Seasonal and Subseasonal Prediction Branch


Mr TAN Wee Leng

Mr Tan Wee Leng is part of the team that works on seasonal and subseasonal climate prediction. His work in CCRS is on the development of platforms and products on seasonal and subseasonal climate prediction to Singapore and the region, with focus on the usage of the prediction outcome for potentially new area of applications. He is also involved in the usage of remote sensing products, with interest in satellite-based estimates of rainfall for weather and climate extremes.


    • 2019-2020
    • MSc, Applied Meteorology, University of Reading, UK
    • 2008-2012
    • BSc, Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Working Experience

    • 2018-present
    • Senior Research Scientist / Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS, Singapore
    • 2013-2018
    • Signal Processing Engineer, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore

Research Interests

  • Subseasonal/seasonal predictions
  • Weather and climate extremes
  • Remote sensing

Dunn, R. J. H., Alexander, L. V., Donat, M. G., Zhang, X., Bador, M., Herold, N., et al. 2020.

Development of an updated global land in-situ-based dataset of temperature and precipitation extremes.

HadEX3. J. Geophys.Res. Atmos., 125, doi:10.1029/2019JD032263.

Tan, W.L., Kang, R., Turkington, T. 2019.

Subseasonal rainfall forecast skill in Southeast Asia: comparing the land and sea regions around Singapore.

MSS Research Letters, 3, 10-15.