Dr Aurel MOISE
Deputy Director
Department of Climate Research
- aurel_moise@nea.gov.sg
Dr Aurel MOISE
As the Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Research at CCRS, Dr Aurel Moise provides leadership and guidance to several areas of research undertaken at CCRS. This includes the production of the new set of regional climate change projections for Singapore, sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction, analysis of tropical processes and oversight of the National Sea Level Programme (NSLP). In this role, Dr Moise is strongly involved in stakeholder engagements across various sectors of government locally as well as with international partners and collaborators.
Dr Aurel Moise previously worked at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s research division from 2004 until 2019. His focus was on regional monsoons, climate change, general tropical climate topics as well as climate change projections science. Additionally, he conducted and published research in the field of climate extremes, climate variability and teleconnections. His research experience expands to big data topics such as the retrieval, storage, and analysis of CMIP and reanalysis data sets. Over the last few years, he has been one of the deputy leaders on the Australian Earth System and Climate Change Hub, which is the Australian National Environment Science Program’s investment into climate change research across many organisations.
Dr Aurel Moise has published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers in the last 10 years, including a recent book chapter on the Australian monsoon in current and future climate. Since 2018, he is the co-chair of the GEWEX/CLIVAR Global Monsoons Panel as well as co-leading the regional Asian-Australian Monsoon Working Group. Since mid-October 2019, he has joined CCRS as the new Branch Head for Climate Research.
- 1994-2003
- PhD in Atmospheric Science, James Cook University, Australia
- 1986-1989
- MSc in Physics, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
- 2019-present
- Senior Principal Research Scientist and Head of Climate Branch, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, MSS
- 2016-2019
- Deputy Director, Earth System and Climate Change (ESCC) Hub within the National Environment Science Program (NESP), Melbourne, Australia
- 2014-2019
- Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Meteorology R&D, Melbourne, Australia
- 2004-2013
- Professional Officer, Senior Professional Officer and Research Scientist, Bureau of Meteorology R&D, Melbourne, Australia
Research/Professional Interests
- Project management
- Climate model evaluation
- Monsoons and tropical processes
- Communication, stakeholder engagement
D’Agostino, R., Brown, J. R., Moise, A. F., Nguyen, H., Dias P. L. S. and Jungclaus, J., 2019:
Contrasting Southern Hemisphere monsoon response: mid-Holocene orbital forcing versus future greenhouse-gas induced global warming.
[Submitted to Journal of Climate.]
Brown, J. R., Colman, R., and A. F. Moise, 2019:
The sensitivity of Australian monsoon rainfall to anthropogenic aerosols in a range of emissions scenarios.
[Submitted to Journal of Climate.]
Moise, A. F., Smith, I., Brown, J., Colman, R. and S. Narsey, 2019:
Observed and projected intra-seasonal variability of Australian monsoon rainfall.
International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.6334.
Lin Xu, L., Zhang, H., He, W., Ye, C., and Moise, A. F., 2019:
On the potential connection between atmospheric rivers in 1 China and Australia.
[Submitted to JSHESS Special Issue on Atmospheric River Analyses.]
Moise, A. F., G. Martin, and N. Klingaman, 2019:
GCM precipitation biases in Australian Monsoon and Maritime Continent linked to temporal and spatial intermittency of sub-daily precipitation.
[Submitted to GMD.]
L. Jin, H. Zhang, A. Moise, G. Martin, S. Milton, J. Rodriguez, 2019:
Australia-Asian monsoon in two versions of the UK Met Office Unified Model and their impacts on tropical–extratropical teleconnections.
Climate Dynamics, 1-25.
H. Zhang, Y. Zhao, A. Moise, H. Ye, R. Colman, G. Roff, M. Zhao, 2018:
On the influence of simulated SST warming on rainfall projections in the Indo-Pacific domain: an AGCM study.
Climate Dynamics, 50 (3-4), 1373-1391.
J.R. Brown, A.F. Moise, R.A. Colman, 2018:
Projected increases in daily to decadal variability of Asian-Australian monsoon rainfall.
Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (11), 5683-5690.
M.R. Grose, R. Colman, J. Bhend, A.F. Moise, 2017:
Limits to global and Australian temperature change this century based on expert judgment of climate sensitivity.
Climate Dynamics, 48 (9-10), 3325-3339.
A. Moise, J. Brown, R. Colman, 2017:
Projected increases in daily to decadal variability of Asian-Australian monsoon rainfall.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19.
Dr Moise’s full publication record can be accessed here.