Singapore’s Second National Climate Change Study – Climate Projections to 2100
Science Report

The Science Report of Singapore’s Second National Climate Change Study can be downloaded from the following links. The report consists of 10 main chapters. Each of the chapters describing scientific results also has an appendix, where additional graphical material can be found. There are also 3 Supplementary Reports. The reports should be cited as:

Charline Marzin1, Raizan Rahmat2, Dan Bernie1, Lucy Bricheno3, Erasmo Buonomo1, Daley Calvert1, Heather Cannaby3, Steven Chan5, Mohar Chattopadhyay4, Wee-Kiong Cheong2, Muhammad Eeqmal Hassim2, Laila Gohar1, Nicola Golding1, Chris Gordon2, Jonathan Gregory1, David Hein1, Adrian Hines1, Tom Howard1, Tamara Janes1, Richard Jones1, Elisabeth Kendon1, Justin Krijnen1, Shao-Yi Lee2, See-Yee Lim2, Chun Fung Lo2, Jason Lowe1, Gill Martin1, Charline Marzin1, Kirsty McBeath1, Kathleen McInnes4, Carol McSweeney1, Matthew Mizielinski1, James Murphy1, Claire O’Neill1, Matthew Palmer1, Grace Redmond1, Chris Roberts1, Sandeep Sahany2, Michael Sanderson1, Claire Scannel1, David Sexton1, Felicia Shaw2, Julia Slingo1, Xiangming Sun2, Jonathan Tinker1, Simon Tucker1, Chang Wang1, Stuart Webster1, Simon Wilson1, Richard Wood1, Sijin Zhang2, 2015: Singapore’s Second National Climate Change Study – Phase 1.
[Web link:]

1 – Met Office, Exeter, UK
2 – Centre for Climate Research Singapore, Singapore
3 – National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK
4 – CSIRO, Australia
5 – Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

Chapters 1-10

Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Chapter 2: Introduction
Chapter 3: Sub-selection of CMIP5 GCMs for Downscaling over Singapore
Chapter 4: Dynamical Downscaling – Model Evaluation
Chapter 5: Climate Change Projections
Chapter 6: Convective-Scale Modelling
Chapter 7: Probabilistic Projections and Wider Uncertainty
Chapter 8: Changes in Time Mean Sea Level
Chapter 9: Extreme Sea Level Projections
Chapter 10: Long Term Projections of Sea Level, Temperature and Rainfall Change


Appendix to Chapter 3: Sub-Selection of CMIP5 GCMs for Downscaling over Singapore
Appendix to Chapter 4: Dynamical Downscaling – Model Evaluation
Appendix to Chapter 5: Climate Change Projections
Appendix to Chapter 6: Convective-Scale Modelling
Appendix to Chapter 7: Probabilistic Projections and Wider Uncertainty
Appendix to Chapter 8: Changes in Time Mean Sea Level
Appendix to Chapter 9: Extreme Sea Level Projections
Appendix to Chapter 10: Long Term Projections of Sea Level, Temperature and Rainfall Change

Supplementary Reports

Supplementary Report 1: 12km Dynamical Downscaling Document
Supplementary Report 2: Assessment of Empirical Statistical Downscaling for Climate Change Studies over Singapore
Supplementary Report 3: Key Factors for Sea Level Rise in the Singapore Region